Placements Overview

Placements are the "entry points" into an External Tool. They determine where an External Tool is visible to users.

List of Supported Placements

Account Navigation

name: account_navigation

Account Navigation Screenshot

Assignment Edit

name: assignment_edit

Assignment Edit Screenshot

Assignment Group Menu

name: assignment_group_menu

Assignments Group Menu Screenshot

Assignment Index Menu

name: assignment_index_menu

Assignments Index Menu Screenshot

Assignment Menu

name: assignment_menu

Assignment Menu Screenshot

Assignment Selection

name: assignment_selection

Assignment Selection Screenshot

Assignment View

name: assignment_view

Assignment View Screenshot


name: collaboration

Collaboration Screenshot

Course Assignments Menu

name: course_assignments_menu

Course Assignments Menu Screenshot

Course Home Sub Navigation

name: course_home_sub_navigation

Course Home Sub Navigation Screenshot

Course Navigation

name: course_navigation

Course Navigation Screenshot

Course Settings Sub Navigation

name: course_settings_sub_navigation

Course Settings Sub Navigation Screenshot

Discussion Index Menu

name: discussion_topic_index_menu

Discussions Index Menu Screenshot

Discussion Topic Menu

name: discussion_topic_menu

Discussion Topic Menu Screenshot

Editor Button

name: editor_button

Editor Button Screenshot

File Index Menu

name: file_index_menu

Files Index Menu Screenshot

File Menu

name: file_menu

File Menu Screenshot

Global Navigation

name: global_navigation

Global Navigation Screenshot

Homework Submission

name: homework_submission

Homework Submission Screenshot

Link Selection

name: link_selection

Link Selection Screenshot

Migration Selection

name: migration_selection

Migration Selection Screenshot

Module Group Menu

name: module_group_menu

A screenshot of the location of the Module Group Menu placement within Canvas, located underneath the three-dot menu in any module group.

After clicking on the placement: A screenshot of the Module Group Menu placement being opened on the right side of the screen as a pop-out window.

Module Index Menu (Modal)

name: module_index_menu_modal

Modules Index Menu (Modal) Screenshot

Module Index Menu (Tray)

name: module_index_menu

Modules Index Menu (Tray) Screenshot

Module Menu Modal

name: module_menu_modal

A screenshot of the Module Menu Modal placement within Canvas, located underneath the three-dot menu in any module group.

After clicking on the placement: A screenshot of the Module Menu Modal placement being opened as a modal in the center of the screen.

Module Menu

name: module_menu

Module Menu Screenshot

Page Index Menu

name: wiki_index_menu

Pages Index Menu Screenshot

Page Menu

name: wiki_page_menu

Page Menu Screenshot

Quiz Index Menu

name: quiz_index_menu

Quizzes Index Menu Screenshot

Quiz Menu

name: quiz_menu

Quiz Menu Screenshot

Student Context Card

name: student_context_card

Student Context Card Screenshot

Submission Type Selection

name: submission_type_selection

This is a restricted placement, contact your CSM (Customers) or Developer Relations (Partners) for more information.

Submission Type Selection Screenshot

Sync Grades

name: post_grades

Sync Grades Screenshot

Tool Configuration

name: tool_configuration

Tool Configuration Screenshot

Top Navigation

name: top_navigation

This is a restricted placement, contact your CSM (Customers) or Developer Relations (Partners) for more information.

Top Navigation Screenshot

User Navigation

name: user_navigation

User Navigation Screenshot

Deprecated placements

Resource Selection

name: resource_selection ⚠️

This is a placement that once was the default for 1.1 tools, and was one of the very first placements for Canvas. It makes the tool show up both in - assignment_selection and link_selection (new module item), but is deprecated now.

For 1.3 tools using this placement we highly recommend to use assignment_selection or link_selection instead! You can read about those in details here and here.