Logins API

API for creating and viewing user logins under an account

List user logins PseudonymsController#index

GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/logins

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/logins

GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/logins

Scope: url:GET|/api/v1/users/:user_id/logins

Given a user ID, return a paginated list of that user’s logins for the given account.

API response field:

  • account_id

    The ID of the login’s account.

  • id

    The unique, numeric ID for the login.

  • sis_user_id

    The login’s unique SIS ID.

  • integration_id

    The login’s unique integration ID.

  • unique_id

    The unique ID for the login.

  • user_id

    The unique ID of the login’s user.

  • authentication_provider_id

    The ID of the authentication provider that this login is associated with

  • authentication_provider_type

    The type of the authentication provider that this login is associated with

  • workflow_state

    The current status of the login

  • declared_user_type

    The declared intention for this user’s role

Example Response:

    "account_id": 1,
    "id" 2,
    "sis_user_id": null,
    "unique_id": "belieber@example.com",
    "user_id": 2,
    "authentication_provider_id": 1,
    "authentication_provider_type": "facebook",
    "workflow_state": "active",
    "declared_user_type": null,

Kickoff password recovery flow PseudonymsController#forgot_password

POST /api/v1/users/reset_password

Scope: url:POST|/api/v1/users/reset_password

Given a user email, generate a nonce and email it to the user

API response field:

  • requested

    The recovery request status

Example Response:

  "requested": true

Create a user login PseudonymsController#create

POST /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/logins

Scope: url:POST|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/logins

Create a new login for an existing user in the given account.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
user[id] Required string

The ID of the user to create the login for.

login[unique_id] Required string

The unique ID for the new login.

login[password] string

The new login’s password.

login[sis_user_id] string

SIS ID for the login. To set this parameter, the caller must be able to manage SIS permissions on the account.

login[integration_id] string

Integration ID for the login. To set this parameter, the caller must be able to manage SIS permissions on the account. The Integration ID is a secondary identifier useful for more complex SIS integrations.

login[authentication_provider_id] string

The authentication provider this login is associated with. Logins associated with a specific provider can only be used with that provider. Legacy providers (LDAP, CAS, SAML) will search for logins associated with them, or unassociated logins. New providers will only search for logins explicitly associated with them. This can be the integer ID of the provider, or the type of the provider (in which case, it will find the first matching provider).

login[declared_user_type] string

The declared intention of the user type. This can be set, but does not change any Canvas functionality with respect to their access. A user can still be a teacher, admin, student, etc. in any particular context without regard to this setting. This can be used for administrative purposes for integrations to be able to more easily identify why the user was created. Valid values are:

* administrative
* observer
* staff
* student
* student_other
* teacher
user[existing_user_id] string

A Canvas User ID to identify a user in a trusted account (alternative to ‘id`, `existing_sis_user_id`, or `existing_integration_id`). This parameter is not available in OSS Canvas.

user[existing_integration_id] string

An Integration ID to identify a user in a trusted account (alternative to ‘id`, `existing_user_id`, or `existing_sis_user_id`). This parameter is not available in OSS Canvas.

user[existing_sis_user_id] string

An SIS User ID to identify a user in a trusted account (alternative to ‘id`, `existing_integration_id`, or `existing_user_id`). This parameter is not available in OSS Canvas.

user[trusted_account] string

The domain of the account to search for the user. This field is required when identifying a user in a trusted account. This parameter is not available in OSS Canvas.

Example Request:

#create a facebook login for user with ID 123
curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/<account_id>/logins' \
     -F 'user[id]=123' \
     -F 'login[unique_id]=112233445566' \
     -F 'login[authentication_provider_id]=facebook' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

#create a login for user in another trusted account:
curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/<account_id>/logins' \
     -F 'user[existing_user_sis_id]=SIS42' \
     -F 'user[trusted_account]=canvas.example.edu' \
     -F 'login[unique_id]=112233445566' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

Edit a user login PseudonymsController#update

PUT /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/logins/:id

Scope: url:PUT|/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/logins/:id

Update an existing login for a user in the given account.

Request Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
login[unique_id] string

The new unique ID for the login.

login[password] string

The new password for the login. Admins can only set a password for another user if the “Password setting by admins” account setting is enabled.

login[old_password] string

The prior password for the login. Required if the caller is changing their own password.

login[sis_user_id] string

SIS ID for the login. To set this parameter, the caller must be able to manage SIS permissions on the account.

login[integration_id] string

Integration ID for the login. To set this parameter, the caller must be able to manage SIS permissions on the account. The Integration ID is a secondary identifier useful for more complex SIS integrations.

login[authentication_provider_id] string

The authentication provider this login is associated with. Logins associated with a specific provider can only be used with that provider. Legacy providers (LDAP, CAS, SAML) will search for logins associated with them, or unassociated logins. New providers will only search for logins explicitly associated with them. This can be the integer ID of the provider, or the type of the provider (in which case, it will find the first matching provider).

login[workflow_state] string

Used to suspend or re-activate a login.

Allowed values: active, suspended

login[declared_user_type] string

The declared intention of the user type. This can be set, but does not change any Canvas functionality with respect to their access. A user can still be a teacher, admin, student, etc. in any particular context without regard to this setting. This can be used for administrative purposes for integrations to be able to more easily identify why the user was created. Valid values are:

* administrative
* observer
* staff
* student
* student_other
* teacher
override_sis_stickiness boolean

Default is true. If false, any fields containing “sticky” changes will not be updated. See SIS CSV Format documentation for information on which fields can have SIS stickiness

Example Request:

curl https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/logins/:login_id \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS-TOKEN>" \
  -X PUT

Example Response:

  "id": 1,
  "user_id": 2,
  "account_id": 3,
  "unique_id": "bieber@example.com",
  "created_at": "2020-01-29T19:33:35Z",
  "sis_user_id": null,
  "integration_id": null,
  "authentication_provider_id": null,
  "workflow_state": "active",
  "declared_user_type": "teacher"

Delete a user login PseudonymsController#destroy

DELETE /api/v1/users/:user_id/logins/:id

Scope: url:DELETE|/api/v1/users/:user_id/logins/:id

Delete an existing login.

Example Request:

curl https://<canvas>/api/v1/users/:user_id/logins/:login_id \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS-TOKEN>" \

Example Response:

  "unique_id": "bieber@example.com",
  "sis_user_id": null,
  "account_id": 1,
  "id": 12345,
  "user_id": 2